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Join the lectures and discussion through this conference about 'destruction and pillage of
cultural heritage in Syrian and Iraq', organized by the Arabic-Dutch Women Circle (ANVK)
with lectures by three experts.
The conference aims to send a message to government circles, NGOs, UNESCO and EU to protect
and safeguard this heritage.
Dr. D. J. W. Meijer (Leiden University)
'Iraq and Syria: From Culture's Beginnning to Culture's End?'
Drs. Rene Teijgeler
(Heritage for Peace, Senior Cultural Advisor)
'Destruction and Protection of Heritage: Iraq and Syria'
Drs. Theo de Feyter (Independent Author)
'Palmyra, a city between east and west'
After the lectures a panel discussion will be held with speakers and public.
Moderator: Lucinda Dirven
The symposium will be concluded by an auction of collected gifts by members
of the Arabic-Dutch Women Circle. Proceedes will benefit displaced Syrians and
refugee women and children.
For further information on the conference, registration, and support, please refer to the following
Invitation & Program Document.
Further, here are
pictures of the conference and
final report.
On the occasion of International Women’s Day The Arabic-Dutch Women Circle (ANVK)
& Belle Events have the honor to invite you for a charity lunch for the benefit of
the Palestinian Women and Children in the demolished Yarmouk Camp in Syria.
Entry fee: € 25 ,- however an extra donation will be very welcome.
All the money is meant for the Palestinian women and children in Al-Yarmouk Camp in Syria.
You can pay on the same day or transfer your entry and donation to ANVK account number:
ABN AMRO Bank Den Haag 518386783 quoting "Help Yarmouk Camp".
For further information on the conference, registration, and support, pleease refer to the following Information Document.
In het welvarende Nederland leeft momenteel één op de tien kinderen in armoede volgens het Sociaal
Cultureel Planbureau (SCP, 2011). “Armoede krijgt een kleur” zei politica K.Arib in 2009.
In armoede opgroeien vergroot de kans op een slechte gezondheid in de volwassenheid.
Deze harde feiten raken met name de kinderen in migrantengezinnen.
Hoe werkt dat? Kan je er iets tegen doen? Spelen er nog meer factoren een rol? Vragen die verschillende
disciplines betreffen: artsen, psychologen, pedagogen en politici...
Intussen worden professionals, die met kinderen werken, dagelijks geconfronteerd met deze feiten.
En met de opdracht om de veerkracht te herstellen van dat ene kind uit dat ene gezin van die ene
familie met die ene religie en die ene culturele positie. Zijn er lessen te leren uit deze hulp
aan 1 kind, 1 gezin, 1 familie?
For further information on the conference, registration, and support, pleease refer to the following Information Document.
From Tunisia, Egypt and Libya to Yemen and Bahrain, women have been right in the middle of the
so-called "Arab Spring". Teachers, doctors, students, lawyers, bloggers and mothers, with or
without Hijab, have taken to the streets to challenge the authorities asking for freedom,
karama (dignity), work and bread. However these women will encounter many obstacles before
reaching their goal. In Egypt, the post-uprising era is definitely male-dominated.
Women who were at the forefront of the Tahrir-square uprising met sympathy as well as
counter-protesters chanting: “The people want to get rid of women”, a play on the main uprising slogan
“The people want to get rid of the regime.”
The situation is not different in Libya or Tunisia where the status of women in society
was the most enviable of the Arab world. The transition period is still dominated by men and women
who have to fight for keeping the rights they already had under the old regime.
The conference aims to pay attention to the political, social and economical situation of women
in different Arab countries after the Arab spring. It also aims at analyzing the role which Western
countries and especially the European Union can play to enhance the position of Arab women.
For further information on the conference, registration, and support, pleease refer to the following
Information Document.
Further, here are the program,
pictures, and
session (youtube).
The ANVK is inviting you spend part of Earth Day with us as we present an exciting topic that will
bring a new view to the occupation: women.
The invitation has all the information you need.
You can also read the following EU Heads of Mission
Report on East Jerusalem.
The ANVK is inviting you to a day honouring the achievement of women on this internation woman day. The invitation has all the information you need.
The ANVK, in collaboration with the Honorary Consulate of Syria in the Hague, is kicking the new year in style and would like to invite you for a reception and exhibition at the PHI Gallery. The invitation has all the information you need.
The Arabic-Dutch Women Circle (ANVK) is featuring 'The Time that Remains', a film by Elia Suleiman that discusses human rights in Palestine. The discussion will be held at Christus Triumfatorkerk. Further information on the event, program, and speakerscan be found here [Dutch & English].
ANVK Celebrated Syria's National Day with a get together featuring Dr. Ayman Soesan, Ambassador of Syria in Benelux as the keynote speaker and two of the most daring documentary filmmakers: Sabine Lubbe Bakker and Ester Gould. Further information on the event, the speakers, and panalist can be found here [Dutch] [Arabic].
ANVK would like to welcome you to the new year with an exciting lecture titled
"The statute of Muslim women: between Qur'an and Shari'a" to be presented by
Dr. Nasr Abu Zayd.
To whet your apetite between now and the time for Dr. Abu Zayd's lecture,
I invite you to take a read of the following
article (Arabic text)
Information on the event time and location can be found
The Hague, 30 - 31 of May 2009, the Arab Dutch Women Circle (ANVK ) held a conference
under the title "Dream of Arab Women NGO's". This meeting of the minds was organised
with Nederlandse Vereniging van Vrouwen met Hogere Opleiding, International Dialogues
Foundation and students from University of Amsterdam Leiden University and Andalusia.
Information on the event time and location can be found
and the final report can he found here.
On 11 of April 2009, join the ANVK on a lecture titled 'Migrant Women As Housekeepers in The Arab World'. Click here for more information on the event time and location.
Join Petra Stienen as she presents her book titled 'Dromen van een Arabische Lente' on the 29th of March. Click here for more information on the event time and location.
On the occasion of 60 year of the Palestinian Nakba the ANVK held a conference on the 24th of May 2008 under the subject 'the Untold Stories of Palestinian Women'. Click here for more information on the event program. The final report can be accessed here.
Op 26 en 27 mei 2007 organiseert Arabisch Nederlandse Vrouwen Kring (ANVK) een publieke discussie bijeenkomst over de positie van vrouwen in Irak, getiteld "Vrouwenverhalen uit Irak". De conferentie vindt plaats in de CRISTUS TRIUMFATOR. kerk in Den Haag. You can download more information about the event here.
Join ANVK in its latest conference entitled:'Saudi Women in the Eyes of Europeans'. You also download the program and invitation here.
March 2006: ANVK is organizing a conference titled 'Yemen Day'. Click here for further information on the event.
ANVK organized a conference titled 'Islam Woman and Modernity'.
A discussion lead by Malika Benradi, Professeure à la Faculté de Droit de Rabat.
Access the program here.
You can download the paper here.
The paper by Habiba Al Marashi can be found
Full conference pictures can now be downloaded.
Today marked ANVK's conference on
'Libyan Woman Day'.
click the above link for further information.
You can download the conference
On October 2, 2004 ANVK held a conference on 'Domestic Violence'. click the above link for further information.
You can download the conference pictures.2003
The first of its kind Saudi Dutch Cultural Gathering.
click here
For slide show of the event.
And here
what Alsharq Al-Awsat reported on the event.