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Syrian People
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Dear friends,
The Arab-Dutch Women Circle (ANVK) is organizing an event with the theme "Immigrants Convey Their Cultural Legacy". Please reserve your place before 20th Oct. 2017. We have only 60 places left. Be the first to book as first come first served. You will receive the program after your confirmation
لكل أصدقاء المنتدى،
يسعدنا أن نعلمكم بأن المنتدى الثقافي للمرأة العربية الهولندية ستقيم مهرجاناً ثقافياً تحت عنوان " المهاجرون ينقلون تراثهم الثقافي".
أمل ان تحجزوا مقاعدكم قبل تاريخ 20 تشرين الاول / اكتوبر . لقد تبقى لدينا 60 مقعداً شاغراً فقط ، سيتوقف التسجيل إثر حصولنا علئ العدد المطلوب. بعد تأكيدك حضوركم سنرسل لكم البرنامج.
On 20/05/2017 the Arab-Dutch Women Organization has organized a visit to the fantastic gallery of Iraqi artist Afifa Aleiby in Rijswijk, in the presence of the alderwoman of Rijswijk Ms. Marloes Borsboom, the Iraqi Ambassador and Spouse and many members of the ANVK.
Artist in Brief: Afifa Aleiby born in Bassrah, Iraq in 1953. Studied from 1969-1974 at the Institute for Fine Arts in Bagdad and from 1974-1981 studied at Surikov Institute for Fine Arts in Moscow, Russia. She has been living and working in the Netherlands for several years now. Perhaps her most important show to date was the retrospective of her works in the Museum Catharinagasthuis in Gouda. At present, she is working as a fulltime artist, periodically exhibiting her work in De Twee Pauwen gallery in The Hague, as well as contributing to other galleries, such as Goda in Amsterdam and Prima Vista in Maastricht. For more information about artis’s work please check www.afifaaleibi.com During the visit, the President of ANVK, Dr.Tomador Hassoun made a speech on behalf of the ANVK in which she explained that the interest of the organization in Art and Culture stems from the goal of the organization to stay in touch with the real world and keep its members busy in a healthy manner: socially, culturally and intellectually away from the virtual digital world of this age. Dr. Hassoun also expressed her gratitude to artist Aleiby for her generous invitation and for providing the opportunity to the ANVK members and honour guests to see her work in person and listen to the artist explaining the objects of her paintings. Dr. Hassoun identified the artist’s unique style and own vision obvious in her paintings. She admired the aesthetics represented by the celebration of colours, the story told and the artist’s personal touch recognised in every single painting. On the other hand, artist Afifa Aleiby welcomed the guests warmly and thanked them for their interest in her work and for accepting the invitation. The guests had enjoyed checking out the artist’s work by taking a tour in her residence and studio and taking photos with the paintings in the background. Meanwhile, guests had some refreshments while socialising and discussing the impressive topics of the paintings. The activity concluded successfully and the guests left with feelings of appreciation for the artist, her creative work and her warm reception.
On the Occasion of the International Women’s Day The Arab-Dutch Women Organisation ANKV Held a Conference On 18 March 2017 in The Hague Themed "Arab and Dutch Women Rethinking Their Lives"
Event Objectives: The objectives of holding this event were revealed in the ANVK President’s opening speech Mrs. Tomador Hassoun. They are: